May 29, 2009

"Alhurra is Bleeding Viewers" they should have seen it coming !

Looks like USA made a mistake when they thought they can brainwash Arab minds with a stream of Arabic/English songs and some news in between. It is really stupid to try to entertain people and provide news for them on one hand, and on the other hand, you sent bombers and tanks searching for WMDs that does not exist while destroying the country, killing its people in the process & providing a fertile land for different parties fighting to control its ruins killing more of its people.

Of course people are not going to prefer Alhurra on other news sources, i would rather follow a governament controled news source rather than a forgien's gov. controled news source.

I remember when i was in Alexandria 2 years ago, only AM was available there, FM was so weak, you can not easily tune it, anyway, Alhurra radio broadcast channel was the best quality of them, it was the first time i listen to it, and it was hilarious, i could not stop laughing whenever i heard the news, no really, who are they kidding ?, Most of the news were on Iraq of course, but the funny thing, all the news are told in a way that pictures USA as the gaurding angel of Iraq, blaming all the instability going there on those bad "terrorists" running around carrying guns, i wonder why did not we hear about terrorists killing people there when saddam was in charge, do not get me wrong, i did not like saddam, but i do not like USA occupation of Iraq either.

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